Can We Beat the Stock Market Using Google This Way

Can We Beat the Stock Market Using Google This Way

She wonders if it’s possible to outsmart the stock market using Google in this manner.


In the fast-paced world of stock trading, every investor is constantly on the lookout for that one secret formula that will help them beat the market. But what if the key to outperforming popular assets like the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, real estate, gold, bonds, and even Bitcoin was hidden in an unexpected place – Google traffic stocks?

A Unique Approach to Investing

Imagine a bespoke Google traffic stocks portfolio, meticulously crafted from the performance data of the top 100 websites based on Google traffic. A comparison was made with traditional assets like the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, and others, revealing a surprising result. This unique portfolio managed to outshine the S&P 500, delivering an impressive 86.7% return over five years.

Unveiling the Top Performers

Among the stars of this unconventional portfolio, Apple emerged as the shining beacon, boasting a remarkable 250% gain in five years. Following closely behind was Meta, the parent company of social media giants Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, showcasing a substantial 186% growth in just two years.

The Short-Term Triumph

Over a six-month period, investing in the top 100 website stocks proved to be a lucrative choice, offering a notable 25.63% return. This performance surpassed all traditional assets except for the ever-volatile Bitcoin. Spotify stood out as the top gainer during this timeframe, while Yelp faced a slight setback with a -6% loss.

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Proceed with Caution

While the results of this Google traffic stock portfolio are undoubtedly impressive, it’s essential to approach this strategy with caution. The intricate factors that influence stock movements can make it a risky endeavor, especially for average investors with a lower risk tolerance.


The experiment of testing Google traffic stocks against conventional assets has opened a new realm of possibilities for investors. While the performance of the bespoke portfolio showcases promising returns, it is crucial to remember the volatility and uncertainties that come with stock trading.


  1. Can average investors easily replicate the success of the Google traffic stocks portfolio?
  2. What are some key factors that should be considered before investing in this unique strategy?
  3. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to relying solely on Google traffic data for stock selection?
  4. How does the performance of Google traffic stocks compare to other emerging technologies in the market?
  5. What are the potential risks involved in investing in assets based on website traffic data?

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About the Author: Chris