How to Find Low-Competition Keywords the Easy Way

How to Find Low-Competition Keywords the Easy Way

When seeking low-competition keywords effortlessly, one must employ strategic methods to uncover valuable keyword opportunities. This guide aims to simplify the process, offering insights into efficient keyword research techniques.


In the vast landscape of digital marketing, one key element plays a crucial role in determining success – keywords. Finding the right keywords can be a game-changer when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). But with so much competition out there, how can one discover low-competition keywords that will propel their website to the top of search engine results pages? Enter Semrush, a leading SEO tool that has created a video guide on exactly how to find these elusive gems. Let’s dive into the world of low-competition keywords and discover the easy way to uncover them.

Basics of Keyword Research:

  • First Steps in Keyword Research
  • Understanding the Importance of Keywords
  • Using Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

When it comes to SEO success, the foundation lies in effective keyword research. The Semrush video guide starts by breaking down the basics of keyword research, emphasizing the pivotal role keywords play in driving organic traffic to a website. By introducing viewers to the Keyword Magic Tool, Semrush provides a straightforward approach to finding relevant keywords with less competition.

Focus on Question-Based Keywords:

  • Why Question-Based Keywords Matter
  • Leveraging Semrush for Question-Based Keywords
  • Examples of Successful Question-Based Keywords

One strategy highlighted in the video is the focus on question-based keywords. By targeting these specific queries, websites can tap into a niche market with lower competition, allowing for better visibility in search results. Semrush showcases real examples of successful question-based keywords, demonstrating their effectiveness in driving targeted traffic to websites.

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Sorting Keywords by Difficulty:

  • Understanding Keyword Difficulty
  • Importance of Sorting Keywords by Difficulty
  • Using Semrush to Determine Keyword Competitiveness

Sorting keywords by difficulty is another key aspect covered in Semrush’s video guide. By analyzing the competitive landscape of keywords, users can identify opportunities to target less competitive terms that still hold relevance to their content. Semrush simplifies this process by providing a user-friendly interface for sorting keywords by difficulty, enabling users to make informed decisions about their SEO strategy.

Identifying High-Intent Keywords:

  • Defining High-Intent Keywords
  • Benefits of Targeting High-Intent Keywords
  • Strategies for Identifying High-Intent Keywords

In the quest for SEO success, high-intent keywords are a powerful tool for driving sales and conversions. Semrush dives into how to identify these high-intent keywords and leverage them effectively in content creation. By understanding user intent and search behavior, websites can tailor their content to attract visitors with a higher likelihood of conversion.

Real Examples and Actionable Strategies:

  • Case Studies on Successful Low-Competition Keywords
  • Actionable Strategies for Content Creation
  • Implementing Semrush’s Recommendations

To provide a practical perspective, Semrush includes real examples of successful low-competition keywords in action. By showcasing case studies and actionable strategies, viewers can grasp the methodology behind identifying and utilizing these keywords effectively. Semrush’s recommendations offer a roadmap for creating content around new keywords and optimizing for maximum impact.


In conclusion, Semrush’s video guide on finding low-competition keywords the easy way presents a comprehensive approach to keyword research for SEO success. By emphasizing the importance of question-based keywords, sorting by difficulty, and targeting high-intent keywords, Semrush equips users with the tools and strategies needed to elevate their SEO game. With actionable recommendations and real examples, users can confidently navigate the competitive landscape of keywords and unlock the potential for greater online visibility.

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  1. How does Semrush help in identifying low-competition keywords?
  2. What are the advantages of focusing on question-based keywords for SEO?
  3. Can you explain the significance of sorting keywords by difficulty using Semrush?
  4. How does targeting high-intent keywords contribute to increasing sales and conversions?
  5. Are the strategies recommended by Semrush applicable to all types of websites?

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About the Author: Chris