How to Win Featured Snippets in Google (Step by Step)

How to Win Featured Snippets in Google (Step by Step)

Are you tired of not showing up in featured snippets on Google? These coveted HTML tags provide prime real estate for your content, increasing visibility and driving traffic to your website. In this blog post, we will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to win featured snippets in Google. With these actionable tips, you can optimize your content and increase your chances of appearing in featured snippets. Read on to discover how to rank higher, earn more clicks, and ultimately win the snippet game on Google.

How to Win Featured Snippets in Google (Step by Step)


As a content creator, your goal is to get your website on the top of Google search results. But what if you could get your content featured at the top before anyone else’s? This is where featured snippets come in. Featured snippets are answer boxes at the top of Google search results that provide a direct answer to a user’s query. They come in different formats like paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos.

Winning a featured snippet isn’t just a matter of visibility; it can increase your click-through-rate as well. After all, the majority of clicks happen on the first result on Google, and featured snippets have a higher click-through-rate than the first organic result.

In this article, we’ll cover the four steps to maximize your chances of getting featured snippets: finding opportunities, choosing the right opportunity, crafting content, and tracking progress.

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Finding Opportunities

The first step is to identify which keywords you should be targeting and which featured snippets are being shown for those keywords. Conducting keyword research can help you find the right opportunities. You can use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer to find relevant keywords.

Choosing the Right Opportunities

Once you’ve found opportunities, you need to choose the right one to target. Look for keywords with high search volume, high click-through-rate, and low competition. Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer can help you analyze these metrics and evaluate which keywords are worth targeting.

Crafting Content

The next step is to craft content that is optimized for featured snippets. Start by analyzing what content is currently ranking for your targeted keyword. Look for patterns in how the content is formatted. Does it use tables, lists, or paragraphs? Does it have a video component?

Once you’ve identified what works, it’s time to create content that matches Google’s preferences. Remember to keep your content concise and to the point. Try to answer the user’s query in less than 50 words. Use headers and organized lists when necessary, and make sure to include relevant images or videos.

Tracking Progress

After you’ve optimized your content, it’s time to track your progress. Monitor your ranking changes after implementing optimizations. Keep track of your ranking position and look for any increases or decreases.

If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to go back and analyze what needs to be improved. Maybe your content isn’t concise enough, or perhaps you need to include more images or videos.

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Winning a featured snippet can be a game-changer for your website’s visibility and click-through-rate. However, it’s important to remember that pages must rank in the top 10 before ranking in position 0 as a featured snippet. By following these four steps, you can maximize your chances of getting featured snippets: finding opportunities, choosing the right opportunity, crafting content, and tracking progress.


  1. What are featured snippets, and why are they important?

Featured snippets are answer boxes at the top of Google search results that provide a direct answer to a user’s query. Winning a featured snippet can increase your website’s visibility and click-through-rate.

  1. What are the different formats of featured snippets?

Featured snippets come in different formats like paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos.

  1. How can I find keyword opportunities for featured snippets?

Conducting keyword research can help you find relevant keywords and their search volume. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer can be used for this purpose.

  1. What should I consider when choosing a keyword to target for featured snippets?

Choose keywords with high search volume, high click-through-rate, and low competition. Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer can help you analyze these metrics.

  1. What should I include in my content to optimize it for featured snippets?

Make sure your content is concise and to the point. Use headers and organized lists when necessary, and include relevant images or videos. Analyze what content is currently ranking for your targeted keyword and format your content accordingly.

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About the Author: Chris