[Solved] Discovered / Crawled – Currently Not Indexed Issue in Google Search Console

[Solved] Discovered / Crawled - Currently Not Indexed Issue in Google Search Console

When they encounter the issue of “Discovered – Currently not indexed” or “Crawled – Currently not indexed” in Google Search Console, it can cause confusion and frustration for website owners. In this blog post, we will delve into how this issue can be resolved effectively to ensure that all relevant content on the website gets indexed by Google.


In the digital realm of SEO, indexing is a crucial aspect that can make or break the visibility of a website. One common issue that website owners face is the “Discovered / Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” problem flagged in Google Search Console. In this comprehensive review, we dive into the insightful video created by Rank Math SEO, a leading player in the SEO tools arena, to unravel the mystery behind this indexing hurdle.

Understanding the Issue

  • What does “Discovered / Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” mean?
  • How does it impact the visibility of a website?
  • Why is resolving this issue important for SEO performance?

Analyzing Rank Math’s Video

  • Overview of Rank Math SEO’s approach to fixing indexing issues
  • Step-by-step instructions provided in the video to address the problem
  • Insights on utilizing Rank Math Analytics Module for monitoring indexing performance

Practical Solutions Offered

  • Checking Google Search Console for identifying affected pages
  • Evaluating the internal linking structure to ensure all pages are interconnected
  • Detecting duplicate content using tools like Siteliner
  • Implementing canonical URLs and 301 redirects to resolve content duplication issues
  • Ensuring that nofollow meta tags are not affecting indexation in Rank Math settings
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Leveraging Rank Math’s Expertise

Rank Math SEO emerges as a guiding light for webmasters grappling with indexing woes. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, including the Analytics Module, the platform equips users with the tools needed to navigate through intricate SEO challenges successfully.


In conclusion, the video by Rank Math SEO serves as a beacon of knowledge for resolving the perplexing “Discovered / Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” issue on Google Search Console. By following the step-by-step instructions and leveraging the insights provided, webmasters can streamline their indexing process and enhance their website’s visibility in organic search results.


  1. How can one differentiate between “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” and “Discovered – Currently Not Indexed” pages in Google Search Console?
  2. Why is it crucial to monitor indexing performance using tools like Rank Math Analytics Module?
  3. What steps can be taken to rectify the issue of orphan pages within the internal linking structure?
  4. How does the improper usage of canonical URLs impact the SEO performance of a website?
  5. What precautions should be taken to ensure that nofollow meta tags do not hinder the indexation process?

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About the Author: Chris