Takeshi Hamaya Recommends Rank Math SEO

Takeshi Hamaya Recommends Rank Math SEO

Looking for an efficient and effective SEO tool to improve your website’s search engine rankings? Look no further than Rank Math! This handy plugin is highly recommended by SEO expert Takeshi Hamaya. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, Rank Math makes optimizing your content a breeze. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at why Takeshi Hamaya recommends Rank Math SEO and explore some of its top features. Let’s dive in!


Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, is a vital aspect of digital marketing. Several WordPress SEO plugins are available in the market, but choosing the right one can be a daunting task. The plugin must offer great features and be user-friendly. In this article, we will explore Rank Math, an SEO plugin that Takeshi Hamaya, a representative of BLST WEB, and SEO consultant in Japan, recommends.

What is Rank Math?

Rank Math is a plugin that helps manage on-page SEO tasks effortlessly. It is the Swiss Army Knife of WordPress SEO that automates site audits and facilitates XML sitemaps, breadcrumbs, and social media integration. These features make Rank Math a popular SEO tool among SEO enthusiasts and experts alike.

Takeshi Hamaya Recommends Rank Math SEO

Takeshi Hamaya of BLST WEB recommends Rank Math SEO for its amazing features and fast loading speed. He shared his positive experience of using Rank Math. Hamaya believes that the plugin is intuitive and offers more features than other SEO plugins. He stated that Rank Math is beneficial for all kinds of businesses, from small to large.

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Hamaya had previously used Yoast SEO plugin, which is one of the most popular SEO plugins. However, he found Rank Math to be lighter and faster than Yoast SEO. Hamaya appreciated Rank Math’s user-friendly interface, which made it easier for him to manage SEO settings.

Rank Math Offers Unique Features

Rank Math offers 45+ unique features that set it apart from other SEO plugins. Here are some of the most notable features of Rank Math:

Setup Wizard

The setup wizard helps users easily set up the plugin by guiding them through the process step-by-step. It makes the installation process a breeze for users with little to no experience in setting up SEO plugins.

XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps are crucial for SEO as they help search engines crawl and index a website’s pages. Rank Math automatically generates XML sitemaps for websites and allows users to select which pages to exclude from the sitemaps with just one click.

404 Monitor

Rank Math’s 404 monitor automatically detects broken links and provides suggestions for fixing them. This feature helps improve user experience and ensures that visitors do not encounter broken links on the website.

SEO Analysis

Rank Math analyses on-page SEO factors based on 60-plus ranking factors. This feature helps optimize website content and boost search engine rankings.

Role Manager

Rank Math’s role manager feature is useful for multi-author websites. It allows users to control which authors can access SEO settings and make changes.

Rank Math is Faster and Lighter

Rank Math loads faster than other SEO plugins, making it the preferred choice for Takeshi Hamaya. Rank Math’s lightweight feature ensures it doesn’t affect website speed, making it ideal for websites that want to speed up their load times.

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Rank Math also offers an integrated solution that eliminates the need to install additional plugins, something that can slow down website loading times.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Rank Math.

  1. Does Rank Math affect website speed?
    No, Rank Math is lighter than most SEO plugins and loads faster. It doesn’t affect website speed.

  2. Does Rank Math offer a free or paid version?
    Rank Math offers both a free and paid version. The paid version offers additional features and support.

  3. Is Rank Math user-friendly?
    Yes, Rank Math has a setup wizard that guides users through the installation process. It also has a user-friendly interface.

  4. Can Rank Math help improve website rankings?
    Yes, Rank Math offers an SEO analysis feature that helps optimize website content and improve rankings.

  5. Does Rank Math have an XML sitemap feature?
    Yes, Rank Math offers an XML sitemap feature that automatically generates sitemaps for websites.


Rank Math is an exceptional SEO plugin for WordPress that Takeshi Hamaya recommends. Its amazing features and fast loading times make it one of the best SEO tools in the market today. Its 45+ features set it apart from other SEO plugins, and its user-friendly interface ensures that even inexperienced users can set it up with ease. It’s no wonder that Takeshi Hamaya is pleased with the Rank Math SEO plugin and recommends it to anyone looking to optimize their website’s SEO game.

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About the Author: Chris