Will ChatGPT and Bard Take Over SEO? AI Explained

Will ChatGPT and Bard Take Over SEO? AI Explained

As the digital landscape evolves, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape the way we approach search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. In recent times, ChatGPT and Bard have emerged as two of the most significant AI technologies driving these developments. But will they take over SEO as we know it? In this post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about these cutting-edge technologies and how they are revolutionizing the SEO landscape.

Will ChatGPT and Bard Take Over SEO? AI Explained


SEO has come a long way since its inception; from stuffing keywords into articles to building backlinks. Over time, it has evolved into what it is today: a complex system that requires advanced techniques to rank on the coveted first page of search results. Now, it seems that SEO is undergoing another paradigm shift with the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, Sydney, and Google’s Bard. But, will these tools take over SEO? Let’s dive in and understand AI’s impact on SEO.

AI and SEO

AI, or artificial intelligence, is an umbrella term for machines that simulate human intelligence. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) are subsets of AI. These technologies are used to build chatbots, automated customer service systems, and now, SEO tools. ChatGPT, for example, is a large language model that generates entirely new content. Bard, on the other hand, is a platform that uses AI to analyze search queries and provide better search results.

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AI’s impact on SEO may not be as drastic as portrayed on social media. Despite these tools’ potential, they are not SEO or Google killers. These AI tools can only help content writers and SEO professionals work smarter and more efficiently.

AI Tools and Market Share

AI tools may gobble up market share for queries that don’t require expertise. For instance, if someone searches for “best hiking spots in my area,” an AI-powered tool could rank higher than a website that specializes in hiking. This may lead to a decrease in wages for content writers without niche expertise. However, AI will not replace the importance of expertise. Niche expertise will still be valuable in fields like medicine, law, and science.

The Bar for Quality Content Will Increase

The bar for quality content will increase ten-fold as AI commodifies content. As AI becomes more accessible, the volume of content on the internet will skyrocket. To stand out, content writers will need to focus on producing high-quality, niche-specific content that AI tools cannot produce.

Video Results Will Continue to Take More Clicks

Video results will continue to take more clicks, and text content is only going to sound more and more the same. With AI tools becoming more powerful, written content can be generated quickly and efficiently. As a result, video results will continue to take more clicks, and SEO professionals will need to focus on optimizing videos alongside written content.


AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard may influence the way SEO is done, but they will not replace SEO or Google. SEO professionals will still need to work smarter and more efficiently to stay ahead of the curve. As AI tools commodify content, the bar for quality content will increase, and written content will struggle to differentiate itself from AI-generated content. However, niche expertise will still be valuable, and SEO professionals must focus on optimizing videos alongside written content.

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  1. Will AI replace the SEO profession?
    No, AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard can only help SEO professionals work smarter and more efficiently.

  2. Will AI tools decrease the wages of content writers?
    AI could gobble up market share for queries that don’t require expertise, leading to a decrease in wages for content writers without niche expertise.

  3. Will video results take over written content?
    Video results will continue to take more clicks, and SEO professionals will need to optimize videos alongside written content.

  4. Will AI commodify content?
    As AI becomes more accessible, the volume of content on the internet will skyrocket. To stand out, content writers will need to focus on producing high-quality, niche-specific content that AI tools cannot produce.

  5. Will niche expertise be replaced by AI?
    Niche expertise will still be valuable in fields like medicine, law, and science. AI tools may gobble up market share for queries that don’t require expertise, but niche expertise will still be necessary for specialized fields.

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About the Author: Chris